Jessner Peel
Jessner Peel
Jessner Peel

Laura's Beauty Touch

Jessner Peel

Regular price $ 250.00 Sale price $ 150.00

Introducing one of our most popular and effective chemical peels is the Jessner Peel. This process is ideal for those who suffer from skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation, acne scars, dark spots, and more. Most of all, if you’ve been battling cystic acne, you’ve come to the right place as this particular peel works exceptionally well for these types of skin problems.

The Jessner Peel is a skin resurfacing treatment designed to slough away the topmost layers of the skin to promote a healthier, and youthful-looking complexion. And with proper before and aftercare, this peel can work wonders, no matter your skin type.

With the help of Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, and Resorcinol, this medium-depth peel will reveal the skin you’ve always dreamed of having-- without the disturbance of surgical procedures, and with the assurance of diminished facial scars, lightened hyperpigmentation, and your soon-to-be favorite results: reduction in acne breakouts as well as fine lines and wrinkles.

The Jessner Peel will usually take some downtime of up to one week, with the most peeling to occur between the third and fifth day due to its medium level of chemical penetration.

NOTE: All clients must stop using all Retinols and any Acids 3 days prior to the peel. Additionally, it is recommended for men to shave the night before so we can apply the peel to the full face.

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